Beta Carotene is an anti-oxidan that helps reduce the body risk from free radicals that is one of the cause of cancer. It is also the precursor for vitamin A in the body and helps improve body immunisation and eye vision.
350 ml
RM 72.90 (Peninsular Malaysia)
RM 84.00 (Sabah and Sarawak)
Main Ingredients:
Gamodulin®, Omega 3, Beta Carotene, Bromelain, Taurina and Vitamin B Complex
Dose / Direction of Use
For Adult
1 or 2 table spoon, twice a day
Children under 12 years old
1 or 2 tea spoon, twice a day before
*Preferably taken on empty stomach before breakfast or before dinner[/en]
350 ml
RM 72.90 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 84.00 (Sabah dan Sarawak)
Kandunga utama:
Gamodulin®, Omega 3, Beta Carotene, Bromelain, Taurina and Vitamin B Complex
Cara Penggunaan:
2 sudu besar 2x sehari pagi dan malam
2 sudu kecil 2x sehari pagi dan malam
2 sudu besar 3x sehari
*Pengambilan ketika perut kosong untuk kesan maksimum. [/ms]
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